Newborn and baby sleep packages for ages 0-17 months
Get better sleep and a happier baby without sleep training and baby crying.
You are at the right place, IF
- your baby is restless during the day
- takes only short naps (or not even one 1-hour nap)
- falling asleep takes a long time and causes you stress (falling asleep takes longer than 5 minutes during the day and longer than 20 minutes at evening)
- night sleep is restless (under 3months there are no sleep blocks of 3-7 hours without awakenings, at 3-7months more frequent awakening than every 1,5-2hours, over 7 months there are no sleep blocks of 3-5 hours)
- the baby is awake for a long time every time he wakes up at night (each time awake for more than 10 minutes)
- the baby wakes up very early in the morning
- you are a very soft-hearthed parent who can`t stand a baby`s crying. Not even a cry of protest.

I can help you!

I have helped dozens of families get better sleep, and in the case of your family, I can show the light in the direction of what areas of life can be the ones that prevent good and sufficient sleep. Sleep is a biological need, and our task is to find environmental and internal factors that prevent sleep from occurring.
My individual and very gentle approach helps you fall asleep faster, sleep more peacefully and have a happier baby.
Which sleep package to choose?
1 month support-
A full sleep assessment
60 minute Online Consultation
Customized Holistic Sleep Plan
Book "7 Steps to Baby`s Better Sleep"
Daily sleep log feedback
2 weeks of support in the Drive doc environment
Follow up consultation (30 minutes) after one-two or three weeks after the first consultation
Sleep program "Get Better Sleep"
3 months support
A full sleep assessment
60 minute Online Consultation
Customized Holistic Sleep Plan
Book "7 Steps to Baby`s Better Sleep"
Daily sleep log feedback
2 weeks of support in the Drive doc environment
Follow up consultation (30 minutes) after one-two or three weeks after the first consultation
Once a month is a group Online Consultation where you can ask questions. All together 3 meetings.
E-mail support from first appointment 3 months
Sleep program "Get Better Sleep"
1 year of support
A full sleep assessment
60 minute Online Consultation
Customized Holistic Sleep Plan
Book "7 Steps to Baby`s Better Sleep"
Daily sleep log feedback
2 weeks of support in the Drive doc environment
Follow up consultation (30 minutes) after one-two or three weeks after the first consultation
Once a month is a group Online Consultation where you can ask questions. All together 5 meetings.
E-mail support from first appointment 1 year.
Frequently asked questions
If you are not satisfied with the sleep program, you will get 50% of your money back after one month of being in the program.
Yes, it`s good. Although I encourage breastfeeding, there are obviously various reasons why it is not always possible. And that`s okay. Since I base my recommendations on a range of knowledge consistent with the principles of healthy lifestyle, they aplly equally to both breastmilk and formula-fed babies.
Yes, you can also pay for the sleep program in two parts, but then the overall price will be a bit more expensive.
No. You can’t find this information for free on the Internet, because several principles have never been discussed before in the area of baby sleep. Yes, the book “7 steps to a better child’s sleep” is part of the mandatory material of the program, but I see that even after reading the book, the same questions arise again and again. Therefore, in this program, the most important and practical steps that help make night sleep better and naps longer are outlined in this program.
I think 50% of the recommendations from sleep consultants who give conventional sleep recommendations are very good. Especially everything related to sleep routines, creating a daily schedule, swaddling the baby and calming techniques. However, I don’t agree with all this talk about bad habits and crying babies. All those cry-it-out, pick-up-put-down, paw method, moving to the door with a chair, etc. A gentle sleep training is not mild enough for me. So, I’m not directly against it, but I think they’re diverting a parent’s attention to unimportant things that have the potential to harm a child’s mental and physical health. A gentle sleep training is not mild enough for me.
Yes, as the child develops, his sleep will improve, but it will take years, and I think two bad nights is long enough not to suffer but to make changes. Take control of your life and health. In addition, although a child’s sleep is related to development, this does not mean that one should accept the situation. I’m certainly not the one who says that the moment a child sleeps is bad, and it is. You can always improve the situation, because there are always environmental factors that affect sleep. The question is whether we are ready to change our lifestyle to such an extent or what we are ready to give up for this result.
According to my experience, if you really apply the given recommendations, your sleep quality will improve in a couple of days, perhaps you will feel better than before. It takes a few days to a week for falling asleep to become faster, staying awake for a long time at night disappear, and afternoon naps become longer. Night sleep gets better gradually, usually by the third night there has been one very good night, but somewhere around the second week the result stabilizes, when there are more and more good nights and days. If the child’s health concerns are not resolved, good sleep will not come so soon.
You don’t have to eat a perfectly healthy and organic diet to get your baby to sleep better. Unfortunately or fortunately, very often the key is not a healthy diet, but there are nuances. I ate french fries, wheat flour and sugar and even I got the baby to sleep better. Especially since there are mothers whose diet does not affect the child’s sleep very much – it usually becomes clear during work whether food brings solutions or not. I would say that about 30-50% of babies have nutritional problems with their sleep.
Yes, I agree with others about the sleep environment and daily rhythm, but there is a unique logic to creating a daily schedule that I have not encountered in the statements of other sleep advisors. Often the focus is on how to fall asleep, practicing sleep – something I don’t focus on. Also, unlike me, most sleep counselors do not have medical training, and this gives me an advantage because it helps to see health concerns behind sleep problems. For example, without solving digestive problems, one can dream of a good sleep. That’s why I consider it very important to solve indigestion and the gut microbiome. I base a lot on evolution, and in the equation of good sleep, I know that fulfilling the needs of the baby and also dealing with the emotional component of the mother helps bring good sleep.
Quite a few clients have turned to me after completing the sleep course of other sleep consultants. I am 100% sure that there is a lot of new and different in my materials.
Because I see that most mothers need more intensive support for a month somewhere. Especially if necessarychange diet. This period provides a fairly strong base. Sometimes parallel cooperation with a family doctor or pediatrician is also necessary. After that, more questions usually arise on a regular basis, and it’s good if you get answers to your questions. I have included in the price thatI will continue to give you little advice and recommendations if sleep problems arise as the baby grows.It’s free. So, when you join the sleep program, you actually get SLEEP AND I will mentor youFOR EITHER 3 MONTHS OR THE WHOLE BABY LIFE.
No problem. You can pay the difference between the two programs at any moment and thus “upgrade” yourself to the next level.